Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Online Privacy

There is a subject of matter, that has been in my head for quite a time. Online Privacy. You´ll see, I started liking the idea of being able to know when someone got the message I send, like in Blackberry. But then, the thing moves to whatsapp, you were able to know when the other person you were talking to, was receiving your text. The thing was going well, but then, you know,it was all over social media and devices. On imessage and facebook. You receive an inbox, and people know when you read it. C´mon, I don´t want that. The shocking moment for me, was when this happened one morning in whatsapp:

9:50 am
Me: I need some coffee. Zzz
Friend: I know, me too. Btw, who were u talking to last night. At 1 am? On a Tuesday? 
Me: What? Me? But wait, how do you know that?
Friend: I was checking here (whatsapp) if there was anyone awake.
Me: How can you do that?
Friend: Duh, just read the "Last seen" sentence on any contact you have.
Me: I´m about to die. This is too much.

So yeah, I wasn´t aware that people could know that. The worst part of this, was that I was not even talking to someone, I wake up becase some message about updating whatsapp was vibrating on my phone. How pathetic!

In some cases, the thing can go further. It becomes kinda anxious. Like, Why is not reading my messages? Why is not replying my texts? Is ignoring me! And all of that. Sounds familiar, right?

We all know Facebook is crazy-crazy in matters of privacy. But now we can´t avoid messages pleasantly. What´s the next step? People knowing what face we put when we receive their messages? This has to stop! What happened to the time when you could chat on Messenger and put yourself "Not available" to don´t get bothered but still watch who was online.

We need to get our privacy back.

Friday, February 22, 2013

CONTEMPO Models Mixtape

¡Hablemos de música! ¿Ya oyeron el Mixtape de CONTEMPO? Realizado por Rogelio Bailleres. Pueden escuchar CONTEMPO MODELS MIXTAPE aquí, yo ya lo hice y me encantó, obvio porque incluye Into the Hollywood Groove de Madonna. Esa para mí sería la única excusa que tendría para gustarme, pero óiganlo todo, está genial. Como lo describe Rogelio, son Beats con mucha vanguardia y trendy; clave para disfrutar de una atmósfera llena de sentimientos, recuerdos y seducción que provocan e inspiran, transportando a una pista de baile.

Algo de info:

“Contempo Models Mixtape” es una mezcla de House, Deep DiscoBootlegs Urbanos y R&B a cargo del DJ, Fashion & Nightlife Provocateur Rogelio Baillères, quién colaboró con la reconocida agencia de modelos y Oscar Madrazo para producir una pieza de regalo muy especial y divertido para todos sus seguidores con el fin de celebrar y contagiarse de la energía que solo la música puede transmitir y el instrumento ideal para celebrar la vida en todos los aspectos. 

El arte de la portada es responsabilidad del ilustrador Prince Lauder, a partir de la toma original de la nueva fotógrafa Biank Ross. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Rolando Santana FW 13

Let´s talk about Rolando Santana FW´13 show. He is one of my favorite designers, as you may know, and his latest collection was amazing. Let´s start to put it this way, Rolando not only has evolve as a great clothes designer, he also made his amazing collaboration with Manolo Blahnik, and now he´s making his own way into the accesories world. Sunglasses and bags are coming!!! Sadly for me, couldn´t be there, but here are some of my favorite looks oh his latest collection. Love the fur, love the blue, and that lace crop top is gorgeous!  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Alexander Wang

Alexandeeeeeeeeeer! I´m such a fan. Those cut out blouses, wow! The pants, woow! And the shoes, wooow! I´m not sure what to expect about the coming shows for Balenciaga, there are not so many good thoughts about this new role of Wang. I somehow, have develop a love for minimalist and simple looks, and I like what Wang does for his brand. Like it or not, there´s always a certain crush on some elements on his designs. Remember the shoes from last season? They were amazing. So for this new season, i´m such a fan of this look, but I´m not so sure about the two.colored hair. 


What I love about DELPOZO FW13 show, was the trends that Josep Font, the creative director, showed.  DELPOZO, is an amazing brand founded by the Spanish designer Jesús del Pozo, in 1974. Let´s talk about some of the trends. 

 #1 Color on Color. There were many great combinations on the looks during the show. Pink and white? Great. Burgundy and Carnation pink? Even greater. 

#2 Flowers. They are making a comeback, apparently. Did they even went out? 

#3 Flowers on shoes and bags. My favorite trend on this show. Those red shoes, wow! 

#4 Oversized. We have seen this trend on many brands. I quite don´t get it at first, but then i fell in love with the oversized coats and sleeves. Kinda spanish. 

#5 Great carpet. Ok, this is not a trend, but i loved the flower carpet. 

Among the guests, were Olivia Palermo, Lauren Santo Domingo, Eugenia Gonzalez, Yaz Hernandez, Gabriel Rivera Barraza, Brenda Diaz de la Vega, Alexis Zambrano, Peter Davis and Dany Wong.

Plus, DELPOZO is available at Moda Operandi, super exclusive and is available immediately after the show. With great reviews and the support of an exclusive website like this, we can expect a lot from this spanish brand. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Want and Need

Jamás pensé volver a decir ésto, pero: Quiero una chamarra de mezclilla! Y digo porque nunca pensé decir ésto, porque hace tiempo tiré una que tenía siglos sin usar. No era mi estilo en ese momento, pero ahora quiero una. Nadie sabe lo que tiene hasta que lo pierde, no?

Y un reloj! Tengo el brazo muy delgado lo cual hace difícil mi relación con los relojes. Pero éste de Ice-Watch me gustó por el hecho de traer la correa larga lo que permite doblarlo y usarlo estilo brazalete. Super cool.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Prom 2013 Musings1

A trend that began to get some traction in 2012 has virtually exploded in 2013 -- the high-low dress!
These gowns come in a variety of styles, with one sure to flatter your body. While previously the slit was the primary option for girls who were eager to show off their legs, or even their shoes, now the high-low gives girls many options.
The turquoise dress pictured here is a fantastic option for the girl who wants a little poof, but doesn't want to have to fight her way in and out of her date's car all night. Plus it gives more freedom when moving around the dance floor.
For the girl who seeks a  more flowing look, many high-lows feature a sheer style that flows behind as she strides confidently down the red carpet. An additional feature this year is that many of the flowing skirts are detachable, so the girl is free to dance the evening away in a short dress after wowing on the runway.
Check out more of the options for high-low at our Facebook page